The Pope 2

Further to my post of 09/24/15, as updated, I have more thoughts on the words and actions of Francis, Bishop of Rome.

While I disagree with the Pope on important issues- full marriage equality and the rights of trans* folk come to mind- we do agree on the scourge of poverty, the inherent destructive nature of consumption- based capitalism, climate change, and a need to avoid fundamentalist world views.

If the Pope wishes to continue ‘the party line’ on specific sexual sins as it applies to adherents of that faith AND does clean up the Church’s own house, and starts to advocate for a true separation of Secular and Religious laws while continuing to speak out on the above issues, I am prepared to say we disagree on some things and move forward where we can.

Also, no matter how sharp a Jesuit, he is the leader of a religious corporation-state. He is both a politician and a CEO and is working within that system. We can but guess on just how progressive he can be, or wants to be.

I don’t personally follow that sect but respect each individual’s right to follow their personal mythology. It is when people attempt to force me (or anyone else) to live or die by their faith that we must intercede.

Perhaps Francis was mislead by his Ambassador and misunderstood what Kim’s case is really about. See my previous post for my comments on Conscientious Objector versus Civil Disobedience, as well as this article from the National Catholic Register for some analysis. I also suggest reading this Esquire piece for further thoughts on possible Vatican duplicity.

UPDATE 10/02/15:
The more Liberty Council attempts to shove words in the Pope’s mouth, the more we learn of what was- and was not- said and done. Here are some more links posted today:
Vatican response (from NPR)
Gay Couple Actually Had Papal Audience(from JoeMyGod)
Italian Professor blogs at Huffpost Italy (translated)

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