Crowd Funding Project

February 23, 2022

FAMILY OF LOVERS: Celebrating the Music of Romanovsky & Phillips (Who are Romanovsky & Phillips?) I envision an album (available as a CD and through streaming services) of covers of R&P (and Ron Romanovsky’s solo) [read more]

Family, Identity

Ancestor Work

August 27, 2020

“Ancestor Work” is quite a popular discussion in New Age/ Metaphysical/ Mystical Arts Business circles these days. I’ve held off doing it for myself… without being able to verbalize exactly why. I have a great [read more]

Family, Identity

To My Nieces & Nephews

September 22, 2016

An Open Letter To My Nieces & Nephews: It’s been ten days since Dad (Grandpa to you) passed. Five since the funeral. You are each returning to your adult lives- partners, children, school, career, all [read more]