Lily and Dragon

Brand new image of a dragonfly on the petal of a yellow water lily bloom; taken yesterday at Goodale Park in downtown Columbus. One of a large number of shots taken in order to get one worthy of your consideration; now available on great ceramic tile items, Throw Pillow, Notecards, Mugs and more at our Print On Demand Shop
The white line and tinted borders shown above are not part of the artwork, and won’t be visible on your purchase..

With my consolidation of Authorized Production Partners moving forward, these images are no longer available. This post will be updated in the future.

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Please visit My GFM Campaign to show your appreciation for this TOQ fighting for equality since 1978. A reminder that I’ll earn a small fee should you make a purchase after following links from here to

1 Trackback / Pingback

  1. New collection of Dragonfly images on a 2011 Wall Calendar. | Brian Gryphon: My Home On The Internet

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